Need a Permit?


New Construction Permits and House Connection Permits


You will need to obtain a permit to connect your home or structure to the sewer system. Below is what you need to know about obtaining a permit and how to fill one out.

Note that there are two different types of permits — A permit for an existing structure and a permit for new structure. There are two different forms to fill out depending on the type of permit you need.


Steps to get your New / Existing Structure Permit:


1. Get a copy of the permit form

You or your builder (representative) can fill out the permit and sign it for you. You may download electronic copies of the form below:

New Home or Structure Permit and Forms

Temporary or Permanent Vacate of Connection Permit and Forms

Standard Connection Permit and Forms

You can also obtain a copy of the form by picking up one at the LRSD administrative office (5002 E. 100 N. Warsaw, IN. 46538), M-F 7:30am – 3:30pm.

2. Fill out the permit forms and pay inspection fee

Page one of the permit form is the sewer checklist and the connection process. Make sure you or your builder reviews it and understand the process. If you have any question, you can call the administration office at 574-529-2383 ext. #3.

At this time, you are only required to fill out the following forms:

  • NS-A Sewer Connection Agreement
  • NS-B Application For Sewer Connection Permit (Note: This form-NS-B is required by County for their building permit.)
  • NS-B2 Variance Request For Re-Use Of Existing Build Sewer (applies mostly for re-builds application).
  • NS-C Proposed Building Sewer and Service Connection Location Sketch.

At this time, we will also require:

  • A $120.00 inspection fee is due at this time, and is good for one calendar year.
  • A site plan for your building lot.
  • (New construction only) A new construction capacity charge fee.


3. Engineer Approval and Grinder Install [New Construction Only]

After your permit is completed and signed off it will be sent to our engineer for review and approval. (estimated 2 to 3 weeks turn around – at no cost to you). Once we receive the engineer sign and seal page two of the permit. You will be notified and provided a copy of the engineer’s approval review.

At any time after the engineer’s approval we can fill out form NS-A1 Grinder Station Purchase Agreement of your permit and you or your builder can purchase a grinder kit.


  • The grinder system does not have to be purchased from LRSD but, must meet the LRSD standard specifications and be approved.
  • The grinder kit can be picked up at the wastewater plant.
  • Installation of the grinder must be done by an experience contractor.
  • Reminder: it is required to provide electrical service to the grinder.


4. Final Inspection and Start-up


At this time the LRSD inspector will fill out these forms:

  • NS-D Building Sewer Inspection
  • NS-D2 Service Connection Inspection (Note- Contractor or owner must sign as well as the inspector)
  • NS-E Septic System Abandonment Verification
  • NS-F Sewer Connection approval