Meeting Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM by Jim Haney.
- Present: Jim Haney, Greg Mitchell, Mike DeWald, Bob Marcuccilli, Parke Smith, and Sue Ann Mitchell
- Absent: Unfilled board position vacated by Paula Stinson.
Report of Meeting Notice
The meeting date and time were posted and advertised as required.
Approval of Previous Minutes
Parke Smith presented the March 28, 2018 meeting minutes and made a motion to approve. The motion was seconded by Bob Marcuccilli, and on call of roll was carried by the vote:
6 Yeas 0 Nays 0 Abstain
Engineering Update – DLZ:
Casey Erwin presented a monthly update.
- Four (4) plans for new connections were reviewed by DLZ in April/March (Erne, Woolums, McCloskey & Cox)
- Construction Project Open Items
- Contract C (ART) – Pavement patch on McKenna and B34 Road is pending (DLZ has reminded contractor – scheduled in May per Casey)
- Contract C (ART) – Concrete Patch at 35 EMS B74 is pending weather and owner removing boat from construction area. (DLZ has reminded contractor)
- WWTP (REC) – Seeding & Restoration, REC to finish seeding and restoration along entrance drive in May, weather permitting. (DLZ has reminded contractor – scheduled for May – confirmed by Casey)
- WWTP & Pump Station Telemetering and Communications
- Casey reported answers and clarifications as provided by the contractor in emails concerning the cell towers.
- Question 1: Clarify, address and recommend any operations issues associated with the batteries going bad with the cell phone technology? How long is the battery life? How often can they be checked?
- Answer: The cellular data modem supplied to Lakeland is powered by 12 Volts – not a battery. There is a backup battery to provide power in the event there is a power fail.
- Question 2: If cell phone technology is not communicating with the WWTP site either because of a dead battery or other communication issues, does SCADA system alert the operator of this issue?
- Answer: If the cellular data modem loses power – the operator(s) will get a power fail alarm. If the cellular data modem loses communications – the operator(s) will get a communication failure alarm.
- Question 3: Can additional time be added to the 5 years of payment for service?
- Answer: The contractor has offered to pay an additional two (2) years, for a total of seven (7) years. (total value 7 years x 12 months x 3 sites x $20/month = $5,040)
- Question 4: Can any other technology be offered for communications other than radio or cell phone?
- Answer: Only cell phone or radio is offered by SCADATA. Existing infrastructure (tower, hardware, wiring, etc.) would have to be evaluated and most likely updated to account for other technologies including microwave. (Casey reported that the contractor does not provide microwave services and the infrastructure may not be in place to support.)
- There was some discussion among the board regarding the proposed extension of service payments by the contractor, regarding timing, amount, and structure of the payment.
- Parke Smith made a motion to accept the proposed compensation from the contractor in the form payment of service for all three sites for a total of 7 years in the amount of $5,040. The motion was seconded by Bob Marcuccilli, and on a call of roll was carried by the vote:
6 Yeas 0 Nays 0 Abstain
- WWTP By-pass Channels
- DLZ has completed and distributed the proposed drawings to Astbury and district.
- DLZ reviewed the drawings with Astbury and determined that 3 options were viable. Casey will be asking contractors to provide quotes as packages to address the options.
- Casey estimated that the estimates could range in the area of $25,000-30,000.
- Andy Boxberger confirmed that the district could solicit 3 bids as long as the amount was under $50,000.
- The board authorized DLZ to obtain 3 quotes.
- DLZ will request quotes from the following contractors: RE Crosby (FW), Mason Engineering (FW), Ottenweller Contracting (FW), and Haskins Underground (Plymouth).
- Proposed Schedule
- Request for Quotes sent to contractors April 27
- Quotes due on or before, and opened May 16 District Meeting
- Award, Contracts and NTP after June 2018
- Coupled with this issue, Jim Haney obtained an estimated cost of $2,800 from H2Oakes to conduct a review of the issue to determine if the original design is flawed. Jim requested authorization to contract with H2Oakes to do the review.
- After some discussion, Bob Marcuccilli made a motion to authorize Jim Haney to sign an agreement with H2Oakes, not to exceed $2,800, to conduct a design review and provide a determination report to the board. The motion was seconded by Mike DeWald, and on a call of roll was carried by the vote:
6 Yeas 0 Nays 0 Abstain
Grinder Pump Electrical Panel Warranty:
- As of 4/18, the district has shipped 16 panels to Crane for repair (7 in February, 9 in March)
- The district is expecting some repaired units to arrive on 4/19, and is still waiting for at least 10 additional panels.
- The board noted that this is not consistent with the commitment made by Crane to turn around repaired units in 2-3 weeks.
- Jim Haney will reach out directly to Crane to address the issue.
- Don also noted that Atsbury currently has no inventory of other replacement parts for boxes that may be needed in the future.
- It has been confirmed that Crane is responsible for freight costs (to and from) for all warranty replacements/repairs.
Treasurers Report and Other Financial Matters:
Mike DeWald presented the financial reports. Mike noted that this has been the best month ever for collections and that the revenue cycle is in good shape. JPR also reported that 40 liens had been filed this period.
- Jim Haney made a motion to approve the Unaudited Schedule of Cash Receipts and Disbursements, the Monthly Analysis of Funds and Balances, and Monthly Analysis of Cash Investment Accounts. The motion was seconded by Greg Mitchell, and on call of roll was carried by the vote:
6 Yeas 0 Nays 0 Abstain
- Mike then presented the Monthly Claim Approval Form. Mike noted that this month’s report included the annual ditch assessments that appear as property tax. It was also noted that Atsbury had exceeded their projected expenses for the year (in part due to expenses related to damage caused by a property owner for which the district is seeking reimbursement) and that there was a significant expense for Hydrogen Peroxide that was greater than expected. The district will explore the option for direct purchase of Hydrogen Peroxide in the future to reduce costs. Jim Haney made a motion to approve the Monthly Claim Approval Form for $59,627.32, including the list of bills paid after 3/21/18, for $6,835.76. The motion was seconded by Bob Marcuccilli, and on call of roll was carried by the vote:
6 Yeas 0 Nays 0 Abstain
JPR – Property Owner Connection Status
- Greg Gear reported that the district remains at approximately 94% (1538) for permits pulled, and 85% actually connected (1392).
- There was no update on the proposed JPR Contract.
Astbury Monthly Report
- The monthly report was submitted in advance. No issues, concerns, or violations were noted in the report.
- Don reported that there was a float issue on Lift Station #1 that has been resolved by the contractor (HP Thompson).
- However, Don also reported that the pumps are not alternating as they should be. This may be an issue related to a controller and Don has been in conversation with the contractor (QCI). QCI has responded that they believe the issue is with the wiring (HP Thompson), but HP Thompson believes the issue is with the controller. Don will conduct testing to determine the cause by changing out the controller. He also noted that the district has no spare parts for the controllers at all three lift stations. He will be seeking pricing and suggests the district plan to purchase.
- Don also noted that they will need to be starting the bagging system soon and he has discovered that the polymer feed comes from a non-potable water tank, which causes the pump to not work. The pump may not be the correct pump. Don recommends that we feed the pump with potable water. The original plans called for potable water to that building, and that part of the plan has been crossed out. Dan will also look at this issue when he returns from surgery. Casey and Don will review the plans v. as-builts.
Failure to Connect Penalties
- Andy Boxberger circulated a proposal based on previous board discussions. Andy suggested that the board consider amending the use ordinance to reflect the proposed changes to the rate structure.
- The board discussed the matter to gain clarity on the status of exempted properties and the ability of the board to wave penalties, as deemed necessary, by administrative action.
- Jim Haney made a motion to approve the amendment to add the late connection rates to the use ordinance as presented. This serves as an introduction to final passage of the amendment following a public hearing. The public hearing will be held at 6:00 PM on May 16 at the LRSD Board Room before a final vote to pass can be held. The motion was seconded by Bob Marcuccilli, and on call of roll was carried by the vote:
6 Yeas 0 Nays 0 Abstain
Request for Rate Reduction- Clearwater Resort
- Previously, the board approved a rate reduction for Clearwater Resort for a rate reduction, pending approval and connection to the system. Clearwater Resort received approval to connect to the system on 4/16.
- Jim Haney made a motion to grant the rate reduction for 7 EDUs to be charged the debt service rate only (the other 26 units remain as full EDU charges), effective 4/16. Jim also noted that Clearwater Resort has filed a complaint with the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission. The motion was seconded by Mike DeWald, and on call of roll was carried by the vote:
6 Yeas 0 Nays 0 Abstain
Other Items
- There were no other items brought before the board.
Public Q & A
- Larry Emmert of Barbee Lake commended the board for contracting a third party to review the treatment plant design as a way to potentially save money for the district.
Motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:43 pm was made by Greg Mitchell, seconded by Mike DeWald, and on call of roll was carried by the vote:
6 Yeas 0 Nays 0 Abstain
Parke Smith, Secretary