August 17, 2022 Minutes

August 17, 2022 Minutes

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM by Jim Haney. 

  • Present: Jim Haney, Bob Marcuccilli, Joe Cleland, Emily Shipley, Mike DeWald
  • Absent: Parke Smith


Report of Meeting Notice

              The meeting date and time were posted and advertised as required.


Public Comments

  • Austin Murray, 19 EMS B34 Ln, Warsaw -Appeal Rate Reduction. There was a previous business in the garage, and he has removed all sewage producing facilities. He is wanting to know why he did not receive a rate elimination and only received a rate reduction.


  • Jim Haney made the motion to take up Mr. Murray request, seconded by Joe Cleland and was carried by the voice vote of:
  • 5 Yeas
  • 0 Nays
  • 0 Abstain


  • Jim explained how the rate elimination and reduction works. Rate elimination was only possible prior to The District receiving the bond for the project. Only a rate reduction is possible now.


  • The Board received Frank Kurth’s resignation from the board on August 1, 2022.


Approval of Previous Minutes

  • The Board could not approve the June and July meeting minutes because The Board does not have a quorum of board members that were present at the June and July meeting present today to approve.


Astbury Annual Rate Adjustment

  • Jim Haney discovered that last fall The Board did not approve a rate adjustment for Astbury. The request which was made in October 2021 was to increase from $20,430.78 to $21,047.79. We have been paying the increased amount, but it was not officially approved.


  •  Motion by Jim to approve and ratify previous payment to Astbury was seconded by Mike DeWald and was carried on the voice vote of:
    • 5 Yeas
    • 0 Nays
    • 0 Abstain


Treasurers Report and Other Financial Matters

  • Mike DeWald reported that the July Unaudited Schedule of Cash Receipts and Disbursements,  report is a typical month, and we have $2,523,704.


  •  Jim Haney made the motion to approve the Unaudited Schedule of Cash Receipts and Disbursements. Monthly Analysis of Fund Balances, and Monthly Analysis of Cash and Investment Accounts The motion was seconded by Joe Cleland and was carried by the voice vote of:
    • 5 Yeas
    • 0 Nays
    • 0 Abstain


  • Mike presented the Management Cash Budget which is running around $11,000 better than budget.
  • Mike presented the monthly Claim Approval Form total is $62,054.82.


Jim Haney made the motion to approve the Monthly Claims, seconded by Joe Cleland and was            carried by the voice vote of:

  • 5 Yeas
  • 0 Nays
  • 0 Abstain


  • Mike DeWald and Jim Haney met with Lake City Bank about The District’s bonds. There is a treasury bond with around a 3% return versus .25% Money Market account we have now. Mike DeWald suggested we put $1,000,000 in US Treasuries with $500,000 in 12 months and $500,000 in 24 months. $875,000 would come out of the Asset Replacement Fund and $125,000 would come out of the USDA Debt Service Fund. The Board would need to open an account at Lake City Investments, and there would need to be at least dual signatures. Mike DeWald proposed that it would be Jim Haney, Mike DeWald, and Bob Marcuccilli would be the signers. Parke Smith would be the Attestor for the 3 signatures for the investment accounts.


  •  Jim Haney made the motion to have Carson’s create a resolution to meet Lake City Investments requirements. Once the resolution is drafted that meets those requirements, give Jim the authorization to invest the $1,000,000 in US Treasuries ($500,000 in 12 months, and $500,000 in 24 months). The motion was seconded by Mike DeWald and was carried by the voice vote of:
    • 5 Yeas
    • 0 Nays
    • 0 Abstain


  • The DLZ Engineering Agreement is $10,000 a year and is not going to be enough to finish the year, it needs to be increase from $10,000 to $15,000 for the calendar year 2022. 


  • Jim Haney made to increase the DLZ Engineering Agreement from $10,000 to $15,000 for the calendar year 2022.  The motion was seconded by Mike DeWald and was carried by the voice vote of:
    • 5 Yeas
    • 0 Nays
    • 0 Abstain


Independent Contractors Committee Update


  • Bob Marcuccilli reported that the committee and Astbury have come to an agreement on the contract. Bob has contacted Midwest Contract Operations and Inframark Water Services about getting additional quotes for operating the plant. We are waiting to hear back from both companies. Jim Haney has received a proposal from Greg Gear for a rate increase. 


  • Jim made a motion to move Greg Gear’s proposal to the Independent Contractors Committee. The motion was seconded by Joe Cleland and was carried by the voice vote of:
    • 5 Yeas
    • 0 Nays
    • 0 Abstain


Lift Station 1 Update

  • Bill Boyle with DLZ went over the report on the data logger we installed on pump station 1, and there were 2 fluctuations in voltage (June 28 and June 29).

They installed a control voltage transformer on July 20th and there has been no problem since it has been installed. DLZ is recommending installing control voltage transformers on the other two pump stations. The Board would like to wait until after the Labor Day weekend to make sure that the problem is solved and that it is not a high demand causing the concern.


Astbury Monthly Report 

  • Tom Astbury presented the monthly report. The plant as monthly numbers all in line with permit requirements.
  • Lynn Raisor from IDEM performed an inspection on Aug 4th (see report). She did find that the composite sampler’s temperature was not maintaining the temperature. In Lynn’s report she had noted that the sampler has not been working for eight weeks. Astbury is now performing the sampling manually. Tom discussed what the repair and replacements cost would be.
  • Jim Haney is requesting to be informed by Astbury and Greg Gear to notify him and the Board ASAP when there has been an inspection or any spills. 


Corrective Maintenance

  • Eleven check valve failures in the last 10 weeks. 
  • After further discussion by the Board, DLZ and Astbury about the control voltage transformer being installed on Pump Stations 2 and 3, the everyone concluded that we should go ahead and installed the voltage transformers now instead of waiting.
  •  Motion by Joe Cleland to install voltage transformers in pump stations 2 and 3 not to exceed $4,000 for both lift stations. The motion was seconded by Emily Shipley and was carried on the voice vote of:
  • 5 Yeas
  • 0 Nays
  • 0 Abstain


  • Barbee Hotel has another grease problem in their grinder tank and had to have their grinder tank pumped and cleaned. Jim Haney instructed Greg Gear to go talk to them if they don’t return his call tomorrow. Greg has left two messages with no return call.


  • Tom Astbury reported that the hydrogen sulfide usage is about $13,000 per year. The cost of upgrading both lift stations to the scrubber stations like lift station #1 is about $20,000. That will save about $10,000 per year between the two lift stations.


  •  Mike DeWald made the motion to proceed in investing $20,000 in upgrading lift station 2 and 3 to scrubber systems eliminating the hydrogen peroxide to a scrubber system. The motion was seconded by Joe Cleland and was carried by the voice vote of:
    • 5 Yeas
    • 0 Nays
    • 0 Abstain
  • Motion by Bob Marcuccilli to amend the previous motion to $22,697 and Astbury will install, seconded by Mike DeWald was carried by the voice vote of:
    • 5 Yeas
    • 0 Nays
    • 0 Abstain


  • Screen brush/ auger update.  Astbury is still waiting on parts.


  • The Board discussed the influent and effluent sampler repair for 2,500 or replace both for $20,000.


  • Bob Marcuccilli made the motion to spend $2,500 to repair the influent and effluent composite samplers seconded by Mike DeWald and was carried by the voice vote of:
    • 5 Yeas
    • 0 Nays
    • 0 Abstain
  • Jim Haney and Greg Gear met with Kester Electric in Warsaw about pump rebuilds. If we supplied the parts, they would rebuild the pumps. Jim & Greg are working on parts prices and supplies.


Monthly Connection Report

  • There are still 5 properties that have not connected.
  • Six properties have pulled new construction permits /2 connected.
  • There are 11 properties that have pulled vacate permits for teardown and rebuilds. 
  • One property is requesting a rate reduction.


  • Andy Boxberger discussed the liens situation and thinks that there are only two properties worth pursuing, Smith and Motes properties. Jim Haney agrees with Andy and thinks we should plan with the county commissioners to put the other two up for commissioner’s sale.


  •  Motion by Jim to authorize Carson Boxberger to pursue forced connection on the Smith and Motes properties. The motion was seconded by Joe Cleland and was carried by the voice vote of:
    • 4 Yeas
    • 0 Nays
    • 1 Abstain


  • The Board discussed remote participation in the board meetings. A board member could miss 2 meetings but attend remotely and then they would have to attend in person for the 3rd meeting. The Board did not think that there was any benefit to pursuing this option.


Rate Study Update

  • Jeff Rowe sent an agreement seeking The Board’s approval for the Rate Study.


  • Jim Haney made the motion that The Board give Jim the authorization to sign the agreement pending Carson Boxberger’s review of the agreement before he signs it. The motion was seconded by Joe Cleland and was carried on the voice vote of:
    • 5 Yeas
    • 0 Nays
    • 0 Abstain


Other Matters That May Come Before the Board 

  • Joe Cleland talked to Jeff Kelsheimer at Jellystone Campground about hooking up to The District’s sewer system. Joe would like them to talk to DLZ about what it would take to get the process started.


  •  Jim Haney made the motion to authorize DLZ to talk to Jellystone Campground for 1 hour at The District’s expense. The motion was seconded by Joe Cleland and was carried by the voice vote of:


  • 5 Yeas
  • 0 Nays
  • 0 Abstain


Public Q & A

  • None



  • Motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:42 pm was made by Mike DeWald.  The motion was seconded by Bob Marcuccilli and was carried by the voice vote of:
    • 5 Yeas
    • 0 Nays
    • 0 Abstain


Bob Marcuccilli, Assistant Secretary