The Lakeland Regional Sewer District Board of Trustees met at the District’s Administration Office,
located at 5002 East 100 North, Warsaw, Indiana.
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM, by Jim Haney.
Present: Jim Haney, Bob Marcuccilli, Mike DeWald, Rosa Ritchie, Joe Cleland, and Rich Dan. Emily
Shipley was absent.
Report of Meeting Notice:
The meeting date and time were posted and advertised as required.
Jim Haney welcomed Lichelle Parker as Office Administrator.
Public Comment:
There were no forms provided, public comments were closed.
Approval of previous meeting minutes:
Jim Haney presented the May 17th meeting minutes and made a motion to approve. Seconded by Mike
DeWald. The motion was carried by a voice vote of:
Yeas- 5 Nays- 0 Abstain- 1
Treasurer Report
Mike Dewald discussed monthly cash flow. $1,306,000.00 available to the district at this time.
Sold 3 grinders for $18,000.00.
Most funds are in treasury. Legal fees ( -$9,000.00) Engineering (-$20,000.00)
Positive cash flow.
Jim Haney makes a motion to approve Monthly Analysis of Cash and Investment Accounts, Monthly
Analysis of Fund Balances, and the Unaudited Schedule of Cash Receipts and Disbursements.
Bob Marcuccilli 2nds motion.
Yeas- 6 Nays- 0 Abstain- 0
Jim Haney makes a motion to approve monthly claims in the amount of $60,419.29. Joe Cleland 2 nd s
Yeas-6 Nays-0 Abstain-0
Grease Violations and other issues- Lakelife
Joe Gallas, owner of Lakelife was present. Joe Gallas discussed plans to resolve the grease trap issues.
Recent test results indicate that Lakelife is still not meeting the FOG limits as identified in the District’s
ordinance. Following active discussions, the Board collaborated on the requirement for Lakelife to
submit viable, remedy plans, in writing, for Board review and possible feedback no later than July 31,
2023. Until Board acceptance is realized, no actions shall commence by Lakelife that will impact the
grinder station.
Jim Haney made a motion to a date of July 31, 2023as a deadline for a written plan to be presented to
the board, by Lakelife.
The motion was carried by voice vote of:
Yeas-6 Nays- 0 Abstain- 0
Rate study was completed to determine the financial impact to the District if outdoor seating would be
eliminated from the sewer charges to Restaurants. The annual revenue would be reduced
approximately $15,000.00.
Joe Cleland made a motion to do away with outdoor seating cost to restaurants in the district, and no
longer charge for them. 2 nd by Rosa Ritchie. The Board passed the motion with a voice vote of:
Yeas-4 Nays- 2 (Jim Haney and Rich Dan) Abstain-0
Astbury Report
Discussed inspection tank, the manufacturer recommended it be inspected due to age of equipment.
Cost $9,500.00. Revisiting in 2 years.
Blower enclosure quote was presented. Joe Cleland requested a second quote. Astbury will seek a
second quote.
Engineering Update
The permit was sent to Bob Marcuccilli for the Dewatering system.
Discussed customers in the district renting/using portable potties. Suggestions that there should be a
license obtained before allowing use of them.
We will re-visit this topic at the next meeting.
Approved Resolution 2023-03 regarding the District’s participation in Indiana’s Public Employee
Retirement Fund (PERF). The Board had approved a resolution at the May meeting, however some
minor modifications were required. Jim Haney made a motion to adopt the amended resolution and
was seconded by Mike Dewald. The Board passed the motion with a voice vote of:
Yeas-6 Nays-0 Abstain-0
Purchasing Update
Joe Cleland will clarify workmanship and material inclusion on the quote.
Joe Cleland will request another quote to satisfy requirement.
Jim Haney suggested that the District sell a roll-off container that is no longer needed. Public bid notices
would need to be published in two local newspapers.
Bob Marcuccilli made a motion to approve sale of container. Joe Cleland 2 nd motion.
Motion passed by voice vote:
Yeas-6 Nays-0 Abstain-0
Items before the board: Oaths of office, online training, and conflict of interest were presented to
Rosa Ritchie, Richard Dan, and Lichelle Parker.
8:23 PM Bob Marcuccilli made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Joe Cleland.
The motion was carried by voice vote of:
Yeas- 6 Nays- 0 Abstain- 0
Meeting was adjourned at 8:23 PM