May 16, 2018 Minutes

May 16, 2018 Minutes

Meeting Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 6:13 PM by Jim Haney.

  • Present: Jim Haney, Greg Mitchell, Mike DeWald, Bob Marcuccilli, Parke Smith, and Sue Ann Mitchell
  • Absent: Unfilled board position vacated by Paula Stinson.

Report of Meeting Notice

The meeting date and time were posted and advertised as required.

Adopt Use Ordinance Amendments

Bob Marcuccilli made a motion to approve the proposed amendments to certain sections of the Districts Sewer Use Ordinance, with a change to the rates and charges identified in the added Section 29.12.3 of the Lakeland Regional Sewer District Amended and Restated Sanitary Sewer Use Ordinance as presented in the Public Hearing of May 16, 2018. The motion was seconded by Mike DeWald, and on call of roll was carried by the vote:

6 Yeas 0 Nays 0 Abstain

Approval of Previous Minutes

Parke Smith presented the April 18, 2018 meeting minutes and made a motion to approve. The motion was seconded by Sue Ann Mitchell, and on call of roll was carried by the vote:

6 Yeas 0 Nays 0 Abstain

Engineering Update – DLZ:

No general update was provided.

Bids were opened and read by Melissa Oyer, DLZ Civil Engineer regarding the proposed wastewater treatment plant tank bypass.

  • Bids were submitted by
    • Cornerstone Stewards, Inc. (Total = $46,464)
    • Haskins Underground (Total = $34,000)
    • Ottenweller Contracting (Total = $187,000)
    • RE Crosby Construction (Total = $85,000)
  • The contractors were solicited based on capability and experience.
  • Board members asked a few questions regarding the clarification of the bids being selected by component or in total. The bid must be accepted in total as it was developed as one contract.
  • Note: Astbury (Don) is unsure that the proposed screen (Bid – Part 3: No-Potable Water Screens) will resolve the issue and believes that the pump may be the wrong pump for the application. Don will work with DLZ to further assess the situation.
  • DLZ will examine and analyze the bid details and make a recommendation to the board.

Other Updates:

  • Greg Gear noted that the west side drain still needed work. DLZ will check with Casey Erwin.
  • Jim Haney asked if the pavement issues (from previous meetings) have been addressed. No answer was provided.
  • Jim requested an update from DLZ on all open items prior to the next board meeting.

Grinder Pump Electrical Panel Warranty:

  • Astbury report that the district has received 7 pumps from Crane, but the total doesn’t match what is expected, even with consideration for shipping errors. Crane is still behind on expected deliveries of replacement pumps.
  • Jim Haney stated that the response on turnaround time is not within expectation and will ask a representative of Crane to visit the district in person.
  • There is consideration for Astbury to become a warranty center for defective pumps. However, given the potential of conflict of interest, Mike DeWald and Jim Haney both asked to review any agreement prior to signature.

Treasurers Report and Other Financial Matters:

Mike DeWald presented the financial reports.

  • Jim Haney made a motion to approve the Unaudited Schedule of Cash Receipts and Disbursements, the Monthly Analysis of Funds and Balances, and Monthly Analysis of Cash Investment Accounts. The motion was seconded by Greg Mitchell, and on call of roll was carried by the vote:

6 Yeas 0 Nays 0 Abstain

  • Mike then presented the Monthly Claim Approval Form. Sue Ann Mitchell questioned the overage for Astbury and it was noted that some direct billing (as some of these items are essentially pass through costs) of certain products (such as Hydrogen Peroxide) will reduce further overages. Mike DeWald made a motion to approve the Monthly Claim Approval Form for $45,953.17, including the list of bills paid after 4/18/18. The motion was seconded by Jim Haney, and on call of roll was carried by the vote:

6 Yeas 0 Nays 0 Abstain

JPR – Property Owner Connection Status

  • No update was provided.
  • Greg Gear reported that the district is at approximately 94.9% for permits pulled, and 86.8% actually connected (1417).
  • Jim Haney and Greg Gear met with JPR and can report that the JPR focus has been on updating records and that they anticipate being caught up before the next board meeting.
  • There was no update on the proposed JPR Contract.

Astbury Monthly Report

  • The monthly report was submitted in advance. No issues, concerns, or violations were noted in the report.

Review of Ordinance 2015-05 Reduction in Billing

A question was raised regarding the status of the grinder pump in the scenario where a property owner would choose to tear down an existing home (with a grinder in place) in order to build a new structure at some point in the future.

  • Questions included: does the district have the option to remove the grinder until the new structure is built; does the property owner need to remit the property to the district; what costs might be associated to future reconnection?
  • Andy Boxberger will provide a draft of clarifications or modifications needed to appropriate ordinances at the next board meeting.

Request for Rate Reduction – Hunter

  • Property owner Karen Hunter reported that she had a structure removed from 6023 E. 450 N., Leesburg, and is requesting a rate reduction. That removed structure was a garage apartment.
  • Upon inspection, it was confirmed that the structure has been removed, however there is no documentation of septic abandonment. The property owner reported that there was no septic tank.
  • The board denied the request pending acceptable septic abandonment documentation.

Other Items

  • Sue Ann Mitchell inquired about the status of the H2Oakes inspection authorized at the previous meeting. Bob Marcuccilli reported that the inspection has been completed, but that we are awaiting the final report. Bob anticipates that the report should be available by the next board meeting.

Public Q & A

  • Ken Fawley of South Barbee Drive reported that he believes that a flowing well and/or tile that runs through his property was damaged during installation of the lateral line. Astbury will investigate.
  • Larry Emmick of Barbee Lake had a question about the non-potable pump which was answered by Astbury.


Motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:19 pm was made by Jim Haney, seconded by Mike DeWald, and on call of roll was carried by the vote:

6 Yeas 0 Nays 0 Abstain

Parke Smith, Secretary