Meeting called to order at 6:00 pm by Jim Haney.
Present: Jim Haney, Mike DeWald, Bob Marcuccilli, Greg Mitchell, Sue Ann Mitchell, and Frank Kurth.
Parke Smith was absent.
The meeting date and time were posted and advertised as required.
Jim Haney presented the August 15, 2018 minutes and Greg Mitchell made the motion to approve, seconded by Mike DeWald, and on call of roll was carried by the vote:
6 Yeas 0 Nays 0 Abstain
Treasurer Report:
Mike DeWald presented the Analysis of Aged Trial Balance of Accounts Receivable, Monthly Claim Approval, Unaudited Schedule of Cash Receipts and Disbursements, Monthly Analysis of Fund Balances, and Operations and Maintenance Fund Cash Budget.
Motion to approve made by Jim Haney, seconded by Bob Marcuccilli, and on call of roll was carried by the vote:
6 Yeas 0 Nays 0 Abstain
Mike DeWald presented the board with insurance renewal for auto, property, general liability, and terrorism for a total of $21,484. The insurance went up approximately $800.
Motion to give Mike the authority to pay insurance in the amount of $21,484 was made by Jim Haney, seconded by Bob Marcuccilli, and on call of roll was carried by the vote:
6 Yeas 0 Nays 0 Abstain
Mike DeWald presented the Monthly Claims Approval Form to the board. Total claims in the amount of $49,316.56.
Motion to approve monthly claims made by Jim Haney, seconded by Sue Ann Mitchell, and on call of roll was carried by the vote:
6 Yeas 0 Nays 0 Abstain
Mike DeWald presented to the board the Carter Engagement Letter for the handling of monthly filings to the State Board of Accounts. The fee has increased $300 per month to $1,700.
Jim Haney made the motion to sign the Carter Engagement Letter for monthly services, seconded by Greg Mitchell.
6 Yeas 0 Nays 0 Abstain
Engineering Update:
Melissa from DLZ presented the Monthly Engineering Report.
The board discussed the Theresa Guetzlaff property. Her drain from her drive to the lake has not been working since the grinder installation. The drain has been scoped and several blockages were found, and the line around the grinder was not connected. It appears to not have been repaired from grinder install. The line at the seawall is also not connected, it appears that equipment has driven over it. DLZ has not been able to get the contractor to repair it. Mrs. Guetzlaff is very upset that this has not been repaired.
Bob Marcuccilli made the motion to repair the drain to the lake not exceeding $1,000 and pursue ART for the claim, seconded by Mike DeWald, and on call of roll was carried by the vote:
4 Yeas 2 Nays 0 Abstain
The Board discussed Astbury’s Monthly Report. The plant experienced one violation for the 1.0 mg/L monthly average phosphorus parameter with a monthly average of 1.3 mg/L. The plant had a chemical pump go bad. The pump issues caused a reduced amount of ferric chloride to be introduced into the system, reducing the level of phosphorus treatment. Once the issue was corrected, phosphorus levels dropped below the 1.0 mg/L. Everything else on the report was good.
Rate Reductions:
Burthay of 35 EMS B42D Lane made a request for a rate reduction.
Mike DeWald made the motion to grant the rate reduction and rescind the July and August failure to connect penalties, seconded by Sue Anne Mitchell, and on call of roll was carried by the vote:
6 Yeas 0 Nays 0 Abstain
France of 45 EMS B6 Lane is asking for a rate reduction and rescind the failure to connect penalties.
Bob Marcuccilli made the motion to authorize the rate reduction and rescind the failure to connect penalties for July and August, returning the $310 paid for July, seconded by Mike DeWald, and on call of roll was carried by the vote:
6 Yeas 0 Nays 0 Abstain
Rigsby of 66 EMS B1A Lane is asking for rate reductions. The account is not current with a balance of $146.50 and $620 in failure to connect penalties.
Motion made by Mike DeWald to give the rate reductions. The failure to connect penalties for July will not be rescinded and the August failure to connect penalties will be reduced to $230, seconded by Greg Mitchell, and on call of roll was carried by the vote:
6 Yeas 0 Nays 0 Abstain
There are still 43 properties that need to connect.
Property owners asking to have their failure to connect penalties rescinded:
Hendrickson -the property is not connected. The Board will not rescind since it is not connected.
Ford -the property is not connected.
Yocum -the property was connected on August 24, 2018.
Jim Haney made the motion to reduce the August penalties assessed Yocum from $310 to $230, seconded by Bob Marcuccilli, and on call of roll was carried by the vote:
6 Yeas 0 Nays 0 Abstain
Dietz -the property is not connected.
Obermeyer -the property at 74 EMS B6C Lane is a new home under construction.
Dandurand -the property is a new home under construction.
Jim Haney made the motion to rescind the failure to connect penalties for Obermeyer and Dandurand, seconded by Mike DeWald, and on call of roll was carried by the vote:
6 Yeas 0 Nays 0 Abstain
Till -the property at 171 EMS B42 Lane is connected, but not inspected. Homeowner needs to have inspection done to complete the hookup process. After completion they are asking for the penalties to be rescinded.
Bolander – 5 EMS B60 Lane. JPR lost the receipt when moving into the new building. Receipt has been found.
Jim Haney made the motion to rescind all the failure to connect penalties including July and August, seconded by Sue Ann Mitchell, and on call of roll was carried by the vote:
6 Yeas 0 Nays 0 Abstain
Cone – 54 EMS B42 Lane did not get a pumper ticket and we did not sign of on final inspection. The pumper ticket was dated June 22, 2018 and we received the ticket on August 22, 2018.
Mike DeWald made the motion to keep the July failure to connect penalties and reduce the August penalties from $310 to $210, seconded by Greg Mitchell, and on call of roll was carried by the vote:
6 Yeas 0 Nays 0 Abstain
Stockman – inspection was not completed. They were supposed to send pictures to verify connections. They are trying to find pictures. JPR will continue to investigate.
Coy – 54 EMS B42 Lane inspection was not completed for electrical problems. Don from Astbury re-inspected on August 15, 2018 and it passed.
Jim Haney made the motion that the July failure to connect penalties will remain and August will be reduced from $310 to $150, seconded by Mike DeWald, and on call of roll was carried by the vote:
6 Yeas 0 Nays 0 Abstain
Wagoner – 55 EMS T8 Lane. JPR noted the wrong address on the inspection. It was completed on October 5, 2017.
Mike DeWald made the motion to remove all failure to connect penalties, seconded by Sue Anne Mitchell, and on call of roll was carried by the vote:
6 Yeas 0 Nays 0 Abstain
Biedron – South Barbee Dr not connected.
Jones – 90 EMS B20D Lane not connected.
Close – 7099 400 N not connected.
Sroufe – 49 EMS B61F Lane connected on August 22, 2018.
Jim Haney made the motion for July penalties to remain and August penalties be reduced from $310 to $210, seconded by Mike DeWald, and on call of roll was carried by the vote:
6 Yeas 0 Nays 0 Abstain
Barell – new owner at 12 EMS B60 Lane, all bills are paid. Connected on August 27, 2018.
Jim Haney made the motion for July penalties to remain and August penalties be reduced from $310 to $260, seconded by Mike DeWald, and on call of roll was carried by the vote:
6 Yeas 0 Nays 0 Abstain
Ceballos – 5219 E 500 N connected August 27, 2018.
Jim Haney made the motion for July penalties to remain and August be reduced from $310 to $260, seconded by Bob Marcuccilli, and on call of roll was carried by the vote:
6 Yeas 0 Nays 0 Abstain
Public Q & A:
Randy Showalter
Randy is trying to add an addition to his house and the lateral line runs where his addition is going to be. The lateral did not run down the property line and he would like the board to move the line.
After a discussion, it is decided that it is the responsibility of the home owner to move the line. The easement does not specify that it is on the property line.
Motion to adjourn meeting at 8:15 pm, made by Jim Haney, seconded by Bob Marcuccilli, and on call of roll was carried by the vote:
6 Yeas 0 Nays 0 Abstain
Bob Marcuccilli, Assistant Secretary