September 21, 2022 Minutes

September 21, 2022 Minutes

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM by Jim Haney. 

  • Present: Jim Haney, Bob Marcuccilli, Joe Cleland, Emily Shipley, Mike DeWald, Parke Smith
  • Absent: Vacant Seat

Report of Meeting Notice

              The meeting date and time were posted and advertised as required.

Public Comments

  • None

Approval of Previous Minutes

  • Jim Haney noted that there was not a voting quorum in the June and July meetings, so minutes from June and July could not be approved in those meetings.
  • Jim Haney presented the June 15, 2022, Regular Meeting minutes and made a motion to approve as submitted. The motion was seconded by Bob Marcuccilli and was carried by the voice vote of:
    • 4 Yeas
    • 0 Nays
    • 2 Abstain
  • Jim Haney presented the July 21, 2022, Regular Meeting minutes and made a motion to approve as submitted. The motion was seconded by Joe Cleland and was carried by the voice vote of:
    • 4 Yeas
    • 0 Nays
    • 2 Abstain
  • Jim Haney presented the August 17, 2022, Regular Meeting minutes and made a motion to approve as submitted. The motion was seconded by Mike DeWald and was carried by the voice vote of:
    • 5 Yeas
    • 0 Nays
    • 1 Abstain

Treasurers Report and Other Financial Matters

  • Mike DeWald reviewed the Cash and Fund Balance Matrix and noted a decrease in the bond fund due to a regular payment made.   No action is required for this document.
  • Mike also reviewed the Management Cash Budget.  Mike noted:
    • This report represents approximately two-thirds of the budget cycle.
    • Total budget is over by approximately $12,000, approximately $9,000 of which can be attributed to higher-than-expected maintenance costs.
    • Actuals compared to budget would be very close at this time in the year without the overages for maintenance costs.
  • Mike then presented the Unaudited Schedule of Cash Receipts and Disbursements.  Mike made a motion to approve the Unaudited Schedule of Cash Receipts and Disbursements, Monthly Analysis of Fund Balances, and Monthly Analysis of Cash and Investment Accounts The motion was seconded by Bob Marcuccilli and was carried by the voice vote of:
    • 6 Yeas
    • 0 Nays
    • 0 Abstain
  • Mike presented the monthly Claim Approval Form for a total of $67,012.75.  Jim Haney made the motion to approve the Monthly Claims, seconded by Parke Smith and was carried by the voice vote of:
    • 6 Yeas
    • 0 Nays
    • 0 Abstain
  • Zach Zehner of Carson provided an update on the status of Lake City Bank Investment Account requirements.  Zach reported that the process was nearing completion.

Amend LRSD By-Laws

  • Jim Haney provided an update on the proposed changes to the By-Laws, noting some of the changes were related to Article 6 regarding the Utility Manager and to Article 7 streamlining identified committees. 
  • Jim made a motion to approve the amendments as submitted. The motion was seconded by Joe Cleland and was carried by the voice vote of:
    • 6 Yeas
    • 0 Nays
    • 0 Abstain

Independent Contractors Committee Update

  • Bob Marcuccilli reported that the committee is still awaiting information and/or bids from others relative to several issues. Bob plans to communicate the expectation for responses prior to the next regular district board meeting.
  • Proposed changes to the Contractor Agreement were reviewed with changes related to hourly pay, IRS mileage reimbursement, and notary services expectations.  Jim made a motion to approve the proposed changes, effective 9/15/22. The motion was seconded by Joe Cleland and was carried by the voice vote of:
    • 6 Yeas
    • 0 Nays
    • 0 Abstain

Astbury Monthly Report 

  • Tom Astbury presented the monthly report. Tom reported that the plant was operating at 39% capacity for the month and was 99% in compliance with the exception of total phosphorous levels, which exceeded limits for the month due to a pump failure.  There are no reporting requirements for the phosphorous level, but Tom apologized and identified future mitigation plans.
  • Tom also reported:
    • Astbury continues to work with their new software to be able to make better reports and track trends and issues more effectively.
    • Parts for the effluent repair have arrived and Astbury will be completing the installation with no additional costs to the district for labor.
    • The auger replacement was completed on September 8 and there are some minor issues and adjustments yet to be made.
    • The DLZ voltage transformer is to be installed in early October.  In addition to the increased monitoring provided by the unit, the changes made to pump #1 appear to be working.
    • The onsite pump analysis station is nearing operational status.
    • There has been no action on proposed customer information stickers for grinder stations – an update will be provided at the next meeting.
    • Greg Gear is coordinating a meeting with Crane representatives to review the new pump style installation process.
    • A pump inventory report was provided, and the inventory is adequate at this time.
    • Repairs and spare pump replacement for Lift Station #1 is underway. The parts for repair are in transit and the repair should be completed within 2-3 weeks.  The spare pump has been ordered and is 11-13 weeks out on delivery.
  • Tom reported that the drum scrubbers have been purchased and will be installed by Astbury.  However, the cost for the project is greater than expected.  Jim Haney made a motion to amend the approved amount for the installation to $24,677. The motion was seconded by Joe Cleland and was carried by the voice vote of:
    • 6 Yeas
    • 0 Nays
    • 0 Abstain
  • Tom reported that the influent flow meter transmitter failed and will need to be replaced.  In addition to the transmitter, the display screen will also need to be replaced.  Astbury has secured a quote from Franke for $2450 plus installation.  Jim Haney made a motion to authorize Astbury to proceed with the replacement at a cost not to exceed $2600, including installation. The motion was seconded by Bob Marcuccilli and was carried by the voice vote of:
    • 6 Yeas
    • 0 Nays
    • 0 Abstain
  • Mike DeWald noted that the increases in maintenance costs are difficult to track within the budget because of the annual reconciliation process.  Astbury agreed to begin providing the district with quarterly invoices.

Letter/Questionnaire for Commercial Properties

  • Carson provided a proposed draft of a letter/questionnaire to be sent to commercial properties to gather updated information.  The proposal excludes mobile home parks and campgrounds and can be sent out twice per year.  Jim Haney made a motion to immediately send out the letter/questionnaire to include information regarding the potential to enforce the maximum penalty allowable by ordinance to all commercial properties within the district, except for mobile home parks and metered campgrounds.  The motion was seconded by Parke Smith and was carried by the voice vote of:
    • 6 Yeas
    • 0 Nays
    • 0 Abstain

Monthly Connection Report

    • Four properties remain unconnected.
    • There are 3 new connections needing inspection.
    • There were no new construction/rebuild permit requests.
    • Carson has started the recommended forced connection action process on 2 of the properties.  If the remaining two properties do not sell at the October 2022 tax sale, Carson recommends the Board make a written request to the County to  place them in Commissioner’s a Sale.

LRSD Equipment Damage – Greg Gear

  • Greg Gear provided a report of damaged grinders and other LRSD equipment that is property of the district, as well as the needed or performed repairs and costs.
  • There was significant debate and discussion among the board members as to whether to absorb the repairs as the cost of doing business, provide warning letters to property owners regarding potential repair cost liability in the future, or hold property owners responsible for the damage that occurred on their property.
  • Parke Smith made a motion to send a letter of damage notice and cost to the property owner (or owners in the case of a shared grinder) where the damage has occurred informing the property owner(s) of the additional costs which will be added to the property owner’s future monthly bill. The motion was seconded by Bob Marcuccilli and was carried on the voice vote of:
    • 5 Yeas
    • 1 Nays
    • 0 Abstain
  • On a related topic, the board also discussed potential actions involving commercial properties with continued grease related issues.  The board agreed that monthly inspections should continue.  Jim Haney made a motion to send letters to Lake Life Bar and Grill and the Barbee Hotel informing the management of each property that inspections will again occur the first week in October. If grease is detected during the inspection, LRSD will direct/contract cleanup, which will be billed to the offending party and additional inspections will occur in approximately 30 days.  If the grease issue persists, future costs and potential penalties of up-to $2500 may be assessed.  The motion was seconded by Mike DeWald and was carried on the voice vote of:
    • 6 Yeas
    • 0 Nays
    • 0 Abstain

ARPA Funding

  • Final Approval has been received for both projects.
  • Ferric Chloride Project: Parke Smith made a motion to authorize Jim Haney to sign an agreement with DLZ to design, bid, and oversee construction of the project in an amount not to exceed $15,000.  The motion was seconded by Mike DeWald and was carried on the voice vote of:
    • 6 Yeas
    • 0 Nays
    • 0 Abstain
  • In-The-Round Project: A quote was received for the purchase of the unit for $150,000, not including transportation or options (polymer mixing equipment – $7500; alpha lava wash-out nozzle – $5000). Jim Haney made a motion to proceed with the unit purchase of $150,000 to be paid with grant funds; transportation costs, if necessary to be borne by LRSD.  The motion was seconded by Parke Smith and was carried on the voice vote of:
    • 6 Yeas
    • 0 Nays
    • 0 Abstain

Other Matters That May Come Before the Board 

  • No update was received regarding the Rate Study
  • The Gasvoda/Crane meeting is scheduled for 9/28/22


  • Motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:52 pm was made by Jim Haney.  The motion was seconded by Joe Cleland and was carried by the voice vote of:
    • 6 Yeas
    • 0 Nays
    • 0 Abstain

Parke Smith, Secretary