December 2015 Project Progress Update

Plenty of project updates to report for December, 2015 — Below you’ll find the DLZ engineer’s report for the project progress dated December 3rd, 2015. Also included below is an aerial map, photo and site plan of the Wastewater treatment plant site,...

Notice of Rate Ordinance Change

The Board of Trustees of the Lakeland Regional Sewer District will hold a public hearing on Thursday September 3, 2015 at 6pm. The hearing will be held at the North Webster Community Center located at 301 North Main Street, North Webster, Indiana 46555. The purpose of...

Change in the LRSD Monthly Billing Cycle

Effective as of the September 2015 billing cycle, Lakeland Regional Sewer District has changed it’s billing cycle from billing for the current month to paying in the arrears for the prior month. This change was approved by the board of Trustees August 6, 2015 monthly...

Sewer Auto-Pay Form now Available for Download

For current sewer customers — if you’d like your sewage payment automatically deducted from your bank account, please use the form provided here. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Michelle Robinson at JPR, our billing agent, at...

Notice of Rate Hearing

The Board of Trustees of the Lakeland Regional Sewer District will hold a public hearing on Thursday June 4, 2015 at 6pm. The hearing will be held at the North Webster Community Center located at 301 North Main Street, North Webster, Indiana 46555. The purpose of the...

LRSD Introduces Rate Ordinance

At a special public board meeting on May 18, 2015, the Lakeland Regional Sewer District approved the revised USDA Letter of Conditions to fund the project. The funding from USDA will be a combination of loans totaling $20.089 million and a grant of $8.629 million. The...