District News

April 2013 Board Meeting Date Changed

The April 4, 2013 Lakeland Regional Sewer District Board of Trustees meeting has been rescheduled from Thursday April 4th to Thursday April 18th at 6:00 PM. The meeting reschedule was required due to scheduling conflicts with other board member commitments that...

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Easements: Update

LRSD is still working on obtaining easements and will continue to receive easements from property owners who have not yet returned their easement document.  We do have notary capabilities in the LRSD office and an appointment can be made to come into the office to...

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February Board Meeting Date Changed

The February 7, 2013 Lakeland Regional Sewer District Board of Trustees meeting has been rescheduled from Thursday February 7th to Tuesday February 5th at 5:00 PM.  The meeting reschedule was required due to scheduling conflicts with other board member commitments...

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September 2011 Letter to Property Owners

Lakeland Regional Sewer District recently sent the following letter to home owners on September 26, 2011. TO: Property Owners in the Lakeland Regional Sewer District’s Proposed Immediate Service Area RE: On-Site Physical Survey Dear Property Owner: The District’s...

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